System Monitoring

24x7 System Monitoring


System Monitoring 24x7

The technology your business runs on is likely one of your most precious investments. Left unmonitored, your network and computers will inevitably fail, leaving employees idle and impacting your ability to do business – costing thousands through the loss of productivity, revenue, or business image. TrulyCreative’s Network Monitoring Service utilizes robust network monitoring tools to monitor your network 24/7 and anticipate problems, identify bottlenecks, and track usage to boost performance, availability and productivity.

How It Works

With TrulyCreative’s Network Monitoring service, your network will be monitored around the clock for link latency, packet loss, availability, traffic, bandwidth utilization; and device CPU load, memory and disk space utilization parameters. TrulyCreative utilizes best-of-breed monitoring tools to identify issues in the network. When an issue is identified, an alert is sent to TrulyCreative to investigate and resolve. In fact, with the proactive approach taken by TrulyCreative, our IT professionals can often identify and take corrective action to resolve and even prevent problems before they affect your business.

In addition to identifying and correcting issues when they occur, TrulyCreative’s Network Monitoring customers also receive a complete package of reports containing valuable information about the performance of your network. Customers receive trend reports which plot parameters such as Traffic, CPU Load, Voltage on a UPS and more. This data is available in Line, Bar, Pie and distribution formats for hourly, daily, weekly and monthly figures and can be exported to provide comprehensive reports for capacity planning and analysis.